Double Glazed Sash Windows

At Sash and Case Scotland we pride ourselves with making high quality, high performance replacement double glazed sashes.

Incorporating traditional techniques with modern designs. As well as offering replacement single glazed sashes we also offer replacement double glazed sashes for your sash and case windows.

For this service we would fully renovate the original case and install brand new factory sprayed double glazed sashes into the original case with full draught proofing and vents. Saving you on the overall cost of manufacturing and installing complete new double glazed sash and case units.

We can do this for sash wood as thin as 46mm.

Sash and Case Windows Scotland

Get in Touch

If you are interested in our Sash and Case windows then please contact Andrew Seatter for more information.

We are based in Falkirk, which is roughly equidistant from Glasgow, Edinburgh and Stirling. Nearest motorways are the M9 (from Edinburgh) and M80 (from Glasgow).

 07840 006 534

 01324 623 759


 Online Enquiry Form