What we do

Our Process

GMM Construction is a management contractor with a difference. We know how to build great project teams of design engineers and contractors to suit any size project. Our process is simple: Design - Plan - Build.

What we do


Depending on the size of the project and what is involved, GMM construction can assemble a talented and professional design and contractor team who are certified and highly skilled to create a workforce that knows how to support you get the job done.

Our services are dedicated to navigating all aspects of the pre-development and construction phases. We can assist with the following:

Strategic Plan Development
Principle Contractor Activities and Management
Budget Cost Plan & Budget Cost Measurement
Project Budget development and Management
Design Team Selection
Engineering Team Selection and Management
General Contractor Selection and Management

Design Process Management
Construction Activity Oversight
Project Completion and snagging list
Project Closeout Management
Project Schedule and management
Communication and Document Management
Planning consents and Building Warrants

How we do it


We know how important commercial terms are to any project.

GMM Construction is dedicated to working with you to ensure projects run smoothly by staying on schedule and on budget. At GMM Construction we believe planning is the key to any good project delivery. We work with our clients to create a strategic plan that outlines the project goals and objectives as they relate to design, budget, schedule, and final completion of the project. We listen to our clients at the outset, understanding their vision (and constraints) and assist to advise on creating a project plan that delivers.

Once the plan is finalised and agreed upon by all parties, we implement the client’s vision through a proactive and collaborative management process preparing tenders to identify trusted sub-contractors, at which time we can provide instructions for the construction work, supervise the work, and manage the construction costs.

GMM Construction

We aim to create the right environment to ensure that we are open and transparent in all our communications, and pride ourselves on working alongside you to deliver a professional service that leads to project work we can be proud of. We have invested our time in our staff and our services to develop our expertise, our leadership, and strategic capability to deliver successful projects.

We are committed to improving our project management processes and in today’s modern online world project documents and access to team members are available from the touch of a button in real-time.

GMM Construction

What we have done


GMM Construction has a track record of delivering successful projects with a wide variety of clients and services required. We are client facing and can deliver engineering solutions and construction management services across heavy civil, industrial, environmental, commercial, and residential sectors.

Get in Touch

Contact us now to speak to us about your construction project.

 07711 588 837
 Email us
 Online Enquiry